Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gather A Fanabase

The internet is huge, especially for the music industry.
How does a new artist in the music industry manage to climb out of the masses and get to and gain fans? It feels confusing doesn't it?

Well there is good news and bad news:

1. The bad news is... that it is not really about being the best musician.

2. The good news is... most new artists are doing it really badly, so you can relax.

You just have to do it better than badly.

There was a stage that all one simply had to do is put together a good quality package of music, music video and great looking people. A club version release which you send to all your DJs contacts with a personal note about how much you have admired their incredible taste in music. A couple of plays and you would be on the road from club to club enjoying the rock and roll life stile. This is no longer the case

So what do you have to do now?

You need a cool group, artist, band. Then you are ready to pour out your thoughts to the masses.

So now you need to find fans. Your kind of people, they understand what you say and get excited when they see you. Yes , all your friends tell you that you are great but 20-30 friends do not make a career. Get a record deal and the record company would do it all for you. Now they expect you to arrive on the doorstep with your fans following behind. A that point it is question if you need an old style record company at all. But that is a different article.

You need to do more to get your own fans no matter what you do

There are many things you can do. I have outlined this area in great depth in my book "Online Music Traps."

The Music Industry is still in a state of major change. One solution is to just wait until the whole thing settles down. See what the new playing field looks like and then release. You are likely to be at least 10 years older and that rock and roll life style won't feel the same. You body will be too old for the late nights and the girls and boys will be too young.

My solution comes from a saying that I heard a long time ago.

"I don't want a piece of the cake, I want the recipe!"

Take that energy you have inside. The one that says, "I know I have what it takes". Point it in the right direction and let it lose. It has a good chance of getting you further than you are now.

The only thing that is certain is that the internet is going to be a major part of everyone's interaction with music, artists, managers and of course Fans. From music, music videos to concerts, either selling music, selling tickets or even online concerts or online TV, the internet will become of the main areas that this will be carried out in.

We know this as a near certainty. You have hear those conversations as people hurriedly hand out YouTube addresses or Myspace friend suggestions. "Listen to this, they are great. They are going to be the next big thing". They say to their friends on the bus or over the phone or even in a quick mail over the net mid work.. They need to be talking about you.

Fans... fans... fans....

In the music world we have long understood one thing and that gives us a huge advantage. We know that our fans are all me have and they are what make or break us. Understanding how to use the internet in the music business is learning how to transfer this ability to work with or fans to it.

There is good news and better news here.

1. the good news is that the internet makes it easy to talk to fans if you do it right and know and understand what you are doing..

2. the better news is that it is ALL FREE. 

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